
“Restart and re-boot yourself
You’re free to go
Oh, oh
Shout for joy if you get the chance
Password, you, enter here, right now”

These are lyrics to a new U2 song, “Unknown Caller” it’s one of my favorite songs, from my very favorite band.

This is how I feel today, I need to reboot.

It’s been a long day. We had a garage sale early this am (those are never fun) and then the kids have been restless all day long. My mind is restless, and my thoughts are heavy for many reasons. We are getting ready to go to the beach for a gathering with some friends, so I think that may be my re-starting place. Being near the ocean soothes my soul.

I am really looking forward to seeing how this blog develops. I have been wanting to do my own blog for years. I manage many for others, but have had little time to think about keeping up my own. I am thankful it is required in the class I am currently taking at Full Sail, otherwise, procrastination would have prevailed.

Until next time,



About natalie

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