The iPad 2, I want it!

Why do I want it? It’s awesome! lol!

Beautiful iPad 2

Beautiful iPad 2 (source:

I know, I know, “It’s awesome” is not really a very good reason. How bout, I have always really wanted one, but now they are white, thinner, and have 2 cameras! I often wonder what I will do with one, since I have an iphone, I can go on the internet all the time on my phone. My phone also takes awesome photos, (see below) and the iPad 2 will take “fun for the web, VGA” photos, but it is FAR from 5 mp. 🙂 I have a powerful macbook pro I was issued from Full Sail, which is fully loaded. So..why do I need an iPad 2? I don’t, I just want one, badly.

Come to think of it, isn’t it that way with most things in life? We don’t really need cell phones, (I know this, because I just survived a tortuous week without one). We do not need to eat out, by brand name products, go to the movies, buy new clothes, have hot water, new shoes, or use credit cards. My coffee does not have to be Starbucks. I have found first hand, that most of these things are not necessities, but luxuries.

I appreciate the tar out of technology, and I can imagine, I would die without it over an extended period of time….but through my hardships, I am re-evaluating and learning to appreciate what I do have, and they are all I NEED.

Until next time,


Sunset on Merritt Island

Sunset on Merritt Island

About natalie

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