SUP Therapy!

One of my newest passions is SUP, which stands for “Stand Up Paddle-boarding”.
Being a coastal Florida native, I have grown up in and around water. I had my own boat when I was 7 years old, the canoe my dad gave me in my teenage years is still living a life of adventure as my own kids take her out on the water regularly in our back yard canal.


Mom and I on Cocoa Beach, circa 1970.
Captain of my own ship, circa 1974

Captain of my own ship, circa 1974


I grew up loving the ocean and at a young age, began boogie boarding. I think I was too scared to learn to surf. That changed about 5 years ago. After my divorce, I began stirring up my roots and on the weekends I did not have my children, I got into surfing.


Me after a evening surf session, 2006

Me after a evening surf session, 2006


After a while, I was eventually able to get my own board! It was a great source of peace to me, paddling out and waiting for a nice smooth swell to roll in. My friend Karen and I often joked when the surf report said the waves were 1-2 feet and glassy, we said “perfect” and headed out! About 2 years ago, I tore some cartilage in my knee and my ability to “pop up” on the board diminished. I finally came to the resolve that my surfing days were over and actually sold my board just a few months ago. Since then I have enjoyed canoeing, and more recently kayaking.
Enter SUP! Stand Up Paddle-boarding reached out and grabbed me. Once I saw someone sup-ping, I knew that was for me. It was the solution to my “pop up” problem, and my “middle tire” problem, ie., it provides a tremendous workout without that “workout feeling”.
Sup is actually not a “new” sport, but it is rapidly gaining popularity in the U.S.
With ancient origins in Hawaii,  it was introduced on the mainland in 2000 as and has since become a competitive sport offering challenges and races yearly in different parts of the world.
As a full time student, my extra funds are somewhat limited at the time. My goal is for my husband and I to both have paddle-boards by January, and start a meet-up for local paddle-boarders in the fall.


My kids on their first SUP adventure at Karen's house.

My kids on their first SUP adventure at Karen's house.


SUP provides so much versatility in comparison to traditional surfing. In SUP, you can partake of the adventure on lakes, rivers, streams, canals, and coves, in addition to the swells of the ocean shores. Anyone can do it. It is not limited to the agile surfer type. Moms, dads, kids, and dogs together on the same board.
Other than providing a soothing workout, one of the things I look forward to most is taking my dog with me on my SUP!

(This is the only photo that is not mine, but it shows how you can SUP with a PUP!)





Until next time,



Favorite SUP fan site:!/supatx
My newly started SUP Enthusiast blog: