Bursting the white iphone 4 bubble.

Let’s see. I have my glass of red wine, feet are up and I am ready to write! I am finding it difficult to be in the frame of mind for writing on demand, so I don’t. I struggle with raising six kids, working full time while enrolled as a full time student. While I am not complaining, the day can sometime bring and overwhelming urge to crawl under a rock and hide away. Such is the case this evening. Nevertheless, I am going to “keep on keepin’ on” and attempt to make something interesting here for my readers.

Today I am going techie! One of my passions, and gifts, is to learn and adapt to new technology, and help others who may be more technologically challenged. I don’t pretend to “know it all”, but I do know a lot, and what I do not know, I have a way of finding out. If you know me at all, it is no secret I love all things Macintosh, ie. Apple computers, and basically anything Apple puts out. I have been :mac-happy: for more than 10 years, and although I am constantly working with PC’s, my heart, and my loyalty lie with Apple! Now, do I have one of everything Apple currently makes? No, I wish! I used to have an iphone 3G, until budget cuts in the Norris household put that on the back burner. My husband and I are looking forward to the much anticipated release of White iphone 4. We do not have the money yet, but when we do, we are holding out for the white ones…. At least that is what I used to say! Now, I find myself saying, “I don’t know if it is really worth the wait”, etc. I mean, sure they look awesome! White is the new black, and “everybody has a black phone, so I want white!”. While this is true, and let me say, the white iphone 4 is slick looking…I think my lack of drive on waiting for it has everything to do with Apple’s delay in releasing it.

First, there was the whole antenna fiasco. This apparently had nothing to do with the delay, but in hindsight, was a crazy distraction early on away from the fact that the white iphone 4 was “currently unavailable for online purchasing or in store pick-up.”

After the antenna craziness sub-sided, the “difficulty in manufacturing” delay kind of felt like a marketing ploy. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? It didn’t help that the “by the end of July” promise came and went and then Steve was quoted it would be “later this year”.  Now we are sounding a bit like we are making it up as we go along, aren’t we Steve? (P.S. I love you and I want to work for Apple! *Wink Wink*)

So finally, we come full circle, to what very well me the genuine reason for the delay. The manufacturing problems, are peeking out on various websites….but is it the dreaded antenna issue? No. Is it the battery life? No? It is all about the looks! Of course. With all of our technological advances in the world today, it seems that the entire white iphone 4 delay stems from the inability thus far to produce the exact white color for the ‘home’ button on the phone, to match that of the rest of the phone. Yes folks, it all boils down to opacity! Now, while I admire Steve’s determination to make Apple products look amazing, and “perfect” I have put up with many design flaws over the years. Just look at the power cord for any macbook or equivalent mac laptop over the last 5-7 years. Does this look like there is any room for improvement here? How can one company be responsible for two vastly different designs?

macbook mag safe power cord

Macbook mag safe power cord. BAD DESIGN!

Various Ipods

Various Ipods - BEAUTIMOUS!!

So, yes, I would like my home button to match the case, but is it really that big of a deal? NO! Is this absence making my heart grow fonder? NO! It is actually making it mad! I think what is even pushing me further away from the desire to hold out for white is Apple’s poor judgment on unveiling the white iphone4 in all her glory in the hand of Steve Jobs during the 2010 Keynote, all the while, knowing they were not really being manufactured yet. Steve: “Look at this beautiful ray of shining light guys! Isn’t awesome! Don’t you want one?” Crowd: cries, “YES, YES we DO want one Steve!” Steve: (flinging the white iphone 4 around as he takes video and edits it in the mobile version of imovie) “Well, too bad for you losers, because you can’t have one!!”

Iphone 4 Delay!

White Iphone 4 Delay! I'M OVER IT~

Until next time~

